We provide free shipping for orders over $35 USD in the US, and orders over $100 USD in Canada.
Canadian customs randomly pick packages and ask the receiver to pay the duty fee. We, unfortunately, can not control the Canadian customs or the fees that they decide to charge. We are currently working on opening fulfillment centers in Canada to prevent having our customers pay any extra charges, as well as shorten the shipping time.
We should have our product in Canada in the next few months. We really would like to sincerely apologize about the frustration, and in an effort to resolve this issue in the mean time we can offer you a discount of 10% off your next order with a personalized code. If you would like the coupon code, please open a shipping inquiry ticket and we will gather some info for our purposes, and issue you the coupon.
Please let us know if there is anything we can do going forward, we are aware of the issues and working hard to open a warehouse within Canada.