f your order did not go through due to a declined transaction, the charges are pending and not actual charges. A pending charge usually means that the information submitted was incorrect or incomplete, resulting in a declined transaction.

Although a transaction is declined, your card issuer may still place a pending charge on the statement. Please do not be alarmed as this charge will be reversed back to your account in a few days. Additionally, we do not pull or hold any funds that were not successfully processed due to a declined transaction.

If you believe that the transaction is not pending and has been posted, please Submit a Request below with your full name, the amount charged, and the last four digits of the card that was used so that we may confirm the transaction.

Here are the most common issues for declined orders:

  1.  The billing address did not match with billing information on the card. Please make sure that the information that you entered is correct
  2.  You may have saved your payment information incorrectly. We also recommend checking to see if you used any auto-fill features on your browser or phone. Please try removing any saved payment information and then manually entering your information.
  3.  If you happen to use a prepaid/gift card please make sure to register a billing address to the card in order for the transaction to go through. You may do so at the card issuer's website.  
  4.  The shipping address may have been incorrectly inputted under the billing information. Our checkout system will ask for your shipping information in Step 2, and then ask you to uncheck the box in Step 4 if your billing information is different from your shipping information:
  5.  If a Non-US card was used, our merchant system may not accept payment from your country or financial institution.